So one of the leads in my writing group has challenged us the past two years to participate in Story - A - Day. It is an activity where you get a writing prompt every day and must develop a story. Many are flash fiction, and my friend said he has occasionally gotten inspired to crank out a 4,000 word story in one day as well. I intend to share a few on here and maybe even get enough collected to publish a short story book. But publishing is not my main goal.
My main goal is to learn to write daily.
I started writing over a year ago because I had always wanted to publish a book. Done. But I found out that writing for me was very therapeutic. I love seeing the stories come to life in my mind. I enjoy having characters and plot lines run through my head as I mow the yard or drive on errands. In short, I have found a new hobby. Maybe someday it will make money, but that is not my motivation.
Story-A-Day is a month long exercise in how to be a consistent writer. If my hobby was golf, I would need to play more often than an occasional weekend. If my hobby was fishing, I would supplement my time at the lake by watching videos, reading magazines, and talking to locals and professionals. I might even go to a show. If my hobby was gardening, I would certainly be in my garden during planting and harvesting time. But I would attend to my passion year round. I might learn how to can, learn new recipes, or learn about gardening tips.
Writing has become my favorite hobby. Here is to Story - A - Day and the hope that in June I have:
-1. Written a full story every day
-2. Learned my hobby better
-3. Developed a writing habit that is daily and disciplined.
Want to join? It is free to do! If you do, email me and let me know. Let us encourage each other in the process.
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