For those of you who have been kind enough to read my blog, or for those of you who thought this page had something to do with a new Marvel Star Wars crossover and continue to read for spoilers, let me thank you. I began this blog in the naivete of a young writer. While I am well into my middle age, I just the past few years picked up the proverbial pen to write. It has always been something I wanted to do... later... when I had more time... or a house with a study... or energy... or ...
In many ways my writing career was like that item ordered from some unknown shop in China. The website promised two day delivery but the tracking just says "on the ship." At some point you either have to forgo the item or go find it closer to home.
So I began.
One of the first things I learned from reading again (I had read it over a decade ago) Stephen King's book
On Writing was that a writer must write. You must begin. You must make space and time for the craft. You must make a practice of writing.
So I joined a writer's group. They have been immensely helpful both in learning the craft and in encouragement. Our twice a month meetings have become some of my favorite events in my ical.
Having finished a first book,
I have also begun looking at how one goes about being published.
And don't worry Stephen - if you are reading this - I'm still writing on other projects also. I have one where I'm asking what happens if a young girl that identifies as a boy becomes a Texas Ranger in a dystopian America. Another where a few low level drug addicts and a group of Pokemon gamers have to stop a hypnotist serial killer. And maybe, just maybe, a Hallmark-esque romance.
But as I write, I am also exploring how to get my stories into the marketplace. One of the things I was told was to have a social media presence. A blog.
And so here we are. A good friend suggested that I start it writing what I care about. "Starting and adding new content is just as important as a theme." Maybe that is true, maybe not. But I followed it nonetheless. I will continue to use my blog here for observations of Americana. It has become Lewis Grizzard or Dave Barry like in its formula. Both of those men I deeply admire. I can still here Dave Barry yelling "Bat Urine!" from the printed page. If that isn't literature, I don't know what is.

But I have done this enough to come to see a benefit in a theme.
In mid-December I am meeting with a web developer friend of mine and hope to launch a website. I chose to wait and do it with some coin in hand rather than just put something out there. When I do, perhaps these two strands of blogs will find two homes.
My new strand will be "ON WRITING NOT BY THE KING"
in honor of one of the more influential books I've ever read.
I even own it in hardback.
But my blog posts will be looking at the craft not from the vantage point of a master craftsman. Rather, I will be looking from the perspective of the complete bumbling amateur.
Over the last two years I have read a plethora of material about writing. The web is full of great and not so great material from publishers, editors, teachers, and other writers. Some offer freely and some offer their wisdom at a price.
One such hybrid is the site
My writer's group discussed the currently $.99 eBook titled the Ten Commandments of Author Branding.
AMAZON.COM Link to book
It is a very helpful volume to a new writer and I think well worth the $.99 of previous store credit I used.
In case you must know... The credit came from a Chinese made and shipped faux leather jacket my daughter ordered. It never arrived and after hours on the phone, I received a refund. Thus, I feel I really put sweat equity into this purchase.
But I digress. On Shayla Raquel's website is a post for "50 Blogs for Mastering the Art, Craft, and Business of Writing."
These blogs are well known, well reviewed, and readily accessible. My goal here is not to increase their traffic nor to give them grand correction or insights. However, I do offer a perspective that may be helpful for some out there.
I am a new writer trying to learn. Come with me as I look at these 50 blogs from the lens of a Newbie. My goal is to cover one per week and finish in a year. Ready? Well then there is only one thing to be said.... "Bat Urine!" .
Removal of Bat Urine Information