Unfamiliar with the MBTI? Take a free
online version here:
or https://practicalpie.com/myers-briggs-type-indicator/
What is the MBTI?
2 minute video! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RoQi9Mvqip0
is based on the work of Carl Jung (Yep… The dude who brought you the Hero’s
MBTI does NOT tell you which dichotomy you have. It tells you which you prefer.
Think right handed / left handedness.
Potter: https://screenrant.com/harry-potter-characters-mbti/
Clips: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzCov8YyaXA
I or E: The Battery: How do you “recharge?”
Introvert (charged by alone time or
time with people who are an “extension” of self)
Extrovert (charged by community.
Lots of friendships, though perhaps not as deep)
S or N: Data Intake: How do you take
in the world around you?
Sensing (prefer to see the specific,
tangible (5 senses) world. The small parts build the whole)
iNtuition (see the big picture, the
whole is seen first and then the parts)
T or F: Decision Making: How do you
come to a decision?
Thinking (Make decisions primarily
based on rational thought and best practices)
Feeling (Make decisions primarily on
emotion and relationships)
P or J: Work First, Play Later OR
Play First, Work Later?
Percieving (Tend to want to collect
all the data possible and delay making decisions)
Judging (maybe a better term today
is “closure”) (Move to decision quicker and seek to get closure)
Taken from: https://medium.com/@AddsTake/understanding-myself-part-ii-mbti-491129c4db42
These four
areas make up 16 types. If you already knew how that math worked you probably
know you prefer S and T!
From: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myers%E2%80%93Briggs_Type_Indicator#/media/File:MyersBriggsTypes.png
Taken from: https://www.toolshero.com/psychology/myers-briggs-personality-test/
So…. Authors….
-1. Helps keep characters in character. ( https://www.helpingwritersbecomeauthors.com/out-of-character/
-2. Keep characters different! ( https://www.kmweiland.com/myers-briggs-and-writing-my-characters-personalities/
-3. Builds Conflict! ( https://www.helpingwritersbecomeauthors.com/4-places-find-storys-best-story-conflict/
Internal conflict of personality vs need in a situation
Differing personalities (or two who are identical but with different goals!)
Give your character their worst nightmare!! (i. e. Introvert speaking or an
extrovert isolated)
-4. Allow your characters to surprise you! ( https://writingcooperative.com/how-to-create-characters-for-your-novel-using-a-personality-test-19643ef4794b
)--> Take the MBTI as your character to find out more about them!
From: https://www.well-storied.com/blog/character-personalities
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