Book #1 drops November 1, 2024.
Next two set for fast release with Dragonfire press
The rumination, pondering, and persiflage of an aspiring author and book fanatic.
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Book #1 drops November 1, 2024.
Next two set for fast release with Dragonfire press
In the mood for a little horror?
Twelve Hours on the Block: The Aztec Gods of Creation trapped in a Gen Pop prison. Very Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
It Came From A Trailer Park. Fun tropes. Redneck ingenuity. My story in the anthology? Vampires killed by potato guns. (Note: While my story is YA friendly, ICFATP is overall an adult audience anthology)
A Free Short Story
Here is a short story I wrote last year. What if an autistic child drew pictures of sporting events predicting the winner every time?
A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Dollars
Available in the Crazy Buffet Collection
ALL proceeds go to the Young Southern Student Writer's Group
Click to Read:
Jam Sessions! 5 Stars on Amazon!!
"Its been a long time since a book made me cry, but this one just hit me hard... One very astute teacher discovers that Phillip might have an anxiety disorder. This is something that just isn't talked about enough, and kudos to this author for bringing it to light!" - Amazon Review"My 11-year-old son dove right into this book, and as soon as he started it he could not put it down. He is an avid reader and loves books by Alan Gratz, Jeff Kinney, and J.K. Rowling; and to my delighted surprise he told me, "Dad, this is just the kind of book I've always been asking to read. The characters are just like me!" - Amazon Review
Check Out Our Awesome Writers Attending!
ConNooga: February 23rd - 25th, 2024
(Click each name to see their websites)
and of course, me!!